Sara RidmyComment

the topping

Sara RidmyComment
the topping

Hey guys again, hope you are well and staying safe - here’s another recipe, which isn’t banana bread although I have made 2 banana breads so far in lockdown because it’s just too good.

So I have been wanting to top my morning bowl of Greek Yoghurt with something crunchy and sweet yet being nutritious to last me up to lunch time so this only calls for one thing… Granola - of course! Who doesn’t love some crunchy clusters floating on top of their bowl? There is no right or wrong way to make granola as you can use whatever you have in the cupboard - even without oats and making it nut based but here is my go-to recipe when making granola. Enjoy!

granola 2.jpeg

Dry Ingredients:

  • 11/2 Cup Rolled Oats

  • 1/4 tsp Sea Salt

  • 1/2 TBSP Ground Cinnamon

  • 3/4 tsp Ground Ginger

  • 30g Almonds (chopped)

  • 30g Walnuts (chopped)

  • 2 TBSP Pumpkin Seeds

  • 2 TBSP Sesame Seeds

  • 4 Dried Figs (chopped)

  • 6 Dried Apricots (chopped)

  • 4 Prunes (chopped)

  • Handful Raisins

Wet Ingredients:

  • 3 TBSP Coconut Oil

  • 2 TBSP Molasses

  • 3 TBSP Honey/Agave/Maple Syrup

  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract


  1. Preheat oven to 162c.

  2. Grease a large baking tray with oil spray and line tray with baking sheet.

  3. Mix dry ingredients together in a large bowl

  4. In a small saucepan over medium low heat, warm the coconut oil, maple syrup, molasses and vanilla extract. Pour over the dry ingredients and mix well.

  5. Spread the mixture evenly onto a a large baking sheet and bake for 18–22 minutes, stirring near the halfway point to ensure even cooking. The coconut oil will help this granola crisp up nicely, but be sure to watch it carefully as it browns quickly.

  6. Once the granola is visibly browned (about 20 minutes for me), remove from the oven and let cool completely on the pan before storing.

  7. Keep in a container that has an air-tight seal and it should keep for a few weeks. Enjoy with milk, sprinkled on yoghurt, smoothie bowls or on its own! 

    ¡Que Aproveche!